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Sequential Bible Viewer

In order to use this, you first need a UID, which you can get by querying /seq?getuid=true and optionally include &start=BIBLEREF (where BIBLEREF is like 1Cor2:1) to set a start position other than Genesis 1:1.

After you have your UID, this will keep track of where you are at. Query /seq?uid=YOURUID and optionally include &num=# (where # is an integer of how many verses you want to include from your current position at a time)

The &view= argument works with this.

Example Pleroma Bot shell script

verse=$(curl -XGET https://api.1611.social/seq?uid=MYUID?view=plain);
curl -XPOST -u biblebot:MYPASSWORD \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"status": "'"${verse}"'"}' \